Starting 2016 Inspired

January is always a time for reflecting on the previous year and dreaming of the future.
I’m beginning 2016 by reflecting on the progress my students have made this year. Even though it often seems like a slow crawl up a mountain, my firsties have made giant gains!

Most of my class entered First Grade BELOW an A (Fountas & Pinnell) reading level and the majority are now reading on or above an F! This was a true team effort. I can’t say Thank YOU enough to the wonderful staff that works with all of our struggling readers.

The 2015-2016 school year brought big changes for me. I changed grades and schools! My team is SUPER-DUPER-AWESOME!
December was packed full of fun. Our school had a Nutcracker themed month. Our students were lucky ducks and got to see the Nutcracker Ballet. One of the teachers helped to bring in a local Ballet Company to perform right at school! The amazing librarian coordinated a Nutcracker themed RIF. She worked with a few other crafty individuals and turned the library into the Land of Sweets.
I can’t wait to see what 2016 has to offer. I know my students will continue progressing. They are an inspiration!

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